The Regional Pedagogical Unit (UPR) of Lyon is one of the ten units that, at the national level, in accordance with the inter-ministerial agreement Education Nationale-Justice of 8 December 2011, organizes education within an Interregional Directorate of Penitentiary Services (DISP) provided to detainees held in prisons under its jurisdiction.

Placed under the direct authority of the Rector of the Academic Region, this unit receives its instructions both the three Rectors of the Academy as well as the Director of DISP.

Functionally attached to the Department of Insertion and Integration Probation Policies Prevention of Recidivism (DPIPPR) of the Penitentiary Administration, the unit’s objective is to to contribute, through the implementation of educational actions, to the improvement of the integration of persons detained at the end of their sentences.

This unit is managed by a Head of National Education and his management team. Its offices are located at DISP Centre-Est headquarters in LYON.

Context & Experience